Smoke and Mirrors the Key to Dressing a Pear Shaped Figure

November 18, 2009 at 10:18 am (Just Because, Pear Shaped Fashion Finds) (, , , , , , )

Over the past couple of months, my friends have been quite curious with my obsession with all things pear shaped. All of my posse have been quite complimentary regarding the Pear Shapely blog, but honestly have no idea why I am dedicating my time to providing fashion tips for pear shaped bodies as they do not believe I have one. At this point I would like to channel my inner Doug Henning and respond with “The hard must become habit. The habit must become easy. The easy must become beautiful.”

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve gotten together with friends and strangers who literally made me stand up and point out what makes me a pear shaped gal as they have yet to discover the curves with their naked eyes. In their minds, pear shaped women are all extremely bottom heavy and there is no disguising the fact:

Granted, this lovely lass is sticking out her grand assets to make a point. In my mind, the point is if you do not watch what you eat, are not active and do not know how to drape your figure, all pear shaped figures have the potential of going off the deep-end.

Not so long ago myy hearty buttocks and I were known for a series of “Asscapades” that included using my butt to block air hockey pucks and mooning my friends. I was carrying an extra twenty pounds all in my pedunk-a-dunk and I wore a size 10-12 on the bottom while my top needed a size 6-8. Those two different sizes where the top measurements is narrower then the hip circumference equals a pear shaped figure.

Fast forward to now, where a change in my habits have resulted in a weight loss of over 20 lbs. My bottom now is a size 6 and my top usually fits into a size 4. No matter how much weight I gain or loss, I am a tried and true pear shaped figure.

Shopping, style and clothing have always garnered my enthusiasm and my multi-tiered career in the fashion industry has allowed me to pick up professional tricks for dressing myself. In turn, I want to be considered a resource for pear shaped ladies and will continue to share my insights and unique perspective with my Pear Shapely Brethren! Hopefully you are enjoying the experience as much as I am.

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Pear Shapely Loves Loehmann’s

November 9, 2009 at 10:52 am (Hurricane by Jane on the Web) (, , )

As a native New Yorker, one of the hardest parts of relocating to the West Coast was leaving behind some of my favorite things. Included in this list are my friends and family, pizza by the slice and some of the greatest discount shopping out there . The latter came courtesy of one of my regular haunts, Loehmann’s.

Although I still miss my peeps desperately, the other voids have been filled by new options and the glamour Loehmann’s near the Beverly Center and the fairly new location in Burbank. Today is a very special day for this devoted discount shopper as  I was lucky enough to find out that my love affair with Loehmann’s is not one sided. The geniuses there were smart enough to select Pear Shapely as a featured site in their “blogroll” section.

Thank you Loehmann’s for helping to feed my obsession for designer fashion at affordable prices from coast to coast. Most importantly, thank you Loehmann’s for thinking that Pear Shapely is worthy enough to share with your devoted clientele.


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